Skills classes for teens and their parents are formatted as a family intervention. The teen and one parent will take the class together as equal participants in the learning environment. The ratio in class is balanced equally between parents and teens. Co-parents can enroll in one of our weekly parent-only skills training classes. Classes meet weekly in a group setting with other families. The curriculum is divided into four 6-week modules. It is strongly encouraged that families complete the entire 24-week curriculum at least once, consistent with clinical research recommendations for optimal results. The four modules are briefly summarized below:

  • Distress Tolerance: Crisis coping skills for high emotional distress
  • Emotion Regulation: Skills to increase emotional resilience, effective problem solving, and exposure techniques
  • Interpersonal Effectiveness: Increasing relationship effectiveness, self-advocacy, and skillful requesting
  • Middle Path: Skills to improve understanding, validation and communication within the family.

Core DBT Mindfulness Skills are woven into each module.

Our DBT Skills classes fill up very quickly. If you are interested in enrollment in an upcoming module, please submit an online inquiry right away. Our enrollment process (i.e., initial inquiry, paperwork completion, intake appointment, enrollment confirmation) can take up to 3 weeks. Please plan accordingly to provide enough time for all steps. 

Click here to view our DBT Class Schedule.